Music Television and Popular Culture' is a 1992 book published by media theorist Andrew Goodwin. This book essentially established the classic codes and conventions that most music videos contain, of which for the most part, still holds up today.
Goodwin theorised that music videos tended to have these key features:
1. Intertextual references: whereby other music artists, films, television or any other popular culture is referenced in a music video.
2. A lyrical and visual relationship: lyrics can be illustrated by, amplified or contradicted by the visuals it is accompanied with.
3. A musical and visual relationship: similar to feature number 2 mentioned above. However, in contrast, it is instead between the music and visuals.
4. Voyeurism and the notion of 'looking': The male gaze (the portrayal of the female body and personal as an object or inferior to the male) and reference to screen within the screen, cameras, filming and the gaze of the stars. In general, we're shown stuff out of what we'd see in ordinary life.
1. - Naamah Hill, Teacher at Thurston Community College Published on Jun 15, 2011