Friday 6 November 2015

Taxi Driver Scene Editing Notes

Cowboy gun spin                                                                                                                                                  
(2 sec length shot)
Cut 1: Jesus stance, whip pan
(18 sec length shot)
Cut 2: Gun Close-up
(1 sec length shot)
Cut 3: (Match on action) Mirror face close-up
(26 sec length shot)
Cut 4: Gun close up again
(6 sec length shot)
Cut 5: Return to mirror close up ('You talking to me?")
(33 sec length shot)
Cut 6: (Jump cut) Long shot showing his apartment. He faces away from the camera towards the Palantine posters as his narration about standing up begins (foreshadowing his attempted assassination)
(1 sec length shot)
Cut 7: Closer medium shot (places us on his eye level - makes the indication that he's facing the Palantine posters even more evident)
(1 sec length shot)
Cut 8: 180 degree rule break, facing the other side (close up)
(7 sec length shot)
Cut 9: Restart of speech
(3 sec length shot)
Cut 10: (Jump cut; even further in time) "this is a man who would not take it anymore" is narrated by Travis. This shot places Travis in a vulnerable and un-intimidating foetal position (implying he's actually shy and sensitive)

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