Tuesday 26 January 2016

Wolf Of Wall Street Trailer Analysis

Promotional Videos - Analysis of Codes and Conventions from Lalita Ajit on Vimeo.
Codes and Conventions of The Wolf Of Wall Street trailer

Purpose of the video
Promotional Video; Trailer.

The purpose of this video is to entice the audience into going to watch the movie at a cinema.

Target audience of the video
General public - adults 18 - 49, consumers of cinema.
Fans of Leonardo DiCaprio, Martin Scorsese and other involved stars etc.
People into excess.

Titles included:
  • Yellow and Black colour scheme: evocative of the iconic taxi cabs of New York City - this gives a sense of a setting. Black is associated with power, formality, elegance, evil, mystery and death. - All of these are common themes throughout the film. The dingy yellow used is rather repellent and caution, sickness, and jealousy.  It suggests a certain distastefulness and is reflective of the main characters attitude towards his circumstances: joyous, 
  • Very bold colours and capital lettering - fits the bold choice of accompanying music.
  • Stars names are listed in large font to attract fans of such. - Academy award nominations mentioned - suggest merit of their performances in the film - quality assured, value for money.
  • "More, more, more, is never enough" tagline - excess implied; a plot involving the fulfilment of "the Lack" (in Laconian terms).
Excess implied; a plot involving the fulfilment of "the Lack" (in Laconian terms).

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