Thursday 26 May 2016

Music Video Analysis (Michael Jackson - Bad)

The music video for Michael Jackson's 'Bad' is one of the most iconic of all time. Directed by the now legendary filmmaker Martin Scorsese, this short film draws from a variety of influences to Jackson. Jackson surrounded by a street gang pose, dance around a Brooklyn subway station referencing the "cool" sequence choreography of West Side Story

Dance-pop genre
Sound effects are included to emphasise the dance moves and amplify the music.
The video above is just the music portion of the 18 minute long film.

West side story
The lyric "shaman" is a reference to Marvis Staples, an American gospel singer.
Inspired dance moves of James Brown

The shot of Michael snapping his fingers together is accompanied by a sound effect and signifies the start of the music. The visuals of Michaels gang carrying out illegal acts such as spray painting amplifies the lyrics of him being "bad" - New York at the time was one of the highest areas of crime in the US and this video reflected that aspect of the city.

Purpose of the video:
Demonstrate Michael's more edgy and aggressive style of song and dance.

edits are often made on the beat of the music
choreography is in time to the music

Lighting is of a primarily medium key.
Colours are grey, black muted.
Lots of artist close-ups: Michael looks good in punk inspired clothing, he does not play a celebrity in the piece but does give a notable wink to the fact that he is by breaking the fourth wall and often looking at the camera
Low angle shot to emphasise his position of authority/supremacy

many funny moments e.i "you gonna dance us to death?"
the idea that they are dancing in a confrontation - what MJ can do best

Racial diversity - represents New York

Masculinity is a focus - there are no women in the video.

This type of urban clothing reflects the environment they're in.

We see these gang members dance in formation while in a confrontation (extremely unrealistic).
Breaking of the fourth wall
The men are seen as thugs.

Star iconography
The dance routine featured in the clip is his branding along with his clothing. His dancing and vocals are his unique selling point.

freeze-frame - a Scorsese staple is utilised
a variety of camera techniques - dolly shots, close ups - long shots, zoom in, pan, tilt shots accumulate to create a thrilling piece.

Star image - Michael Jackson
Genre = narrative based, location, concept (musical esq. dance routine which takes place within a narrative)

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